Unique Fellows

In a way the idea of printmaking is to get more of the same, but we were curious about working on the basis of happy accidents!

So we started the project: Unique Fellows!

We dig into the piles of proofs, select a few favorites and some of them inspire us to new experiments. Every single one is photographed and presented separately and gets its own number.

You find them in our jollygoodshop, some of them are already sold but be patient, more is coming.

By |2017-05-12T14:37:35+02:00May 1st, 2017|ON WALL|Comments Off on Unique Fellows

Jolly Good Lördag – Premier!

This spring we have decided to open up the studio some more, we call it Jolly Good Lördag.  For us it’s a chance to let our local friends and customers come and see some more of what we do and how screen printing works, buy something from us without shipping cost, or just drink coffee with us : )  Here is some pictures from the first #jollygoodlördag which had the theme “skate”.



By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00April 24th, 2017|notes, ON WALL|Comments Off on Jolly Good Lördag – Premier!

RIDE – bike print


Finally our new big bike print is on the wall!

Foto 2016-05-09 14 25 00

After months of watching and discussing just the two of us and with really nice bike people we decided that the bike that Eddie Merckx used for his “Hour Record” 1972 in Mexico City should be the object for our next XL bike print.  The bike is clean and nice, very close to the image that pops up […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00August 18th, 2016|ON WALL, process|Comments Off on RIDE – bike print




We have thought about printing drums for a long time. In the beginning the idea was to make a print of a drum kit set up ready to play. And we were looking for a drummer with the right attitude and the perfect drums. But after a while we just took our own drums and started to try out. For us the best way was to put them in a pile and we were really exited!

After […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00April 27th, 2016|ON WALL, process|Comments Off on Batterie



The freedom to roam, or everyman’s right (Allemansrätten)  is the general public’s right to access certain public or privately owned land for recreation and exercise. The right is sometimes called the right of public access to the wilderness or the right to roam. (Wikipedia)  This print is our celebration to and reminder of Allemansrätten!


By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00April 27th, 2016|ON WALL, process|Comments Off on Allemansrätten



An old object that (almost) no one use any more. We found the original for this washboard in our cottage on the Finnish countryside some years ago. Probably Esa’s grandmother worked hard in the quite to get the cloths clean, back in the days. Sometimes its good to be reminded about how people used to value and take care of their cloths and objects, we have a lot to learn from the past when it comes […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00May 22nd, 2015|ON WALL|Comments Off on Tvättbrädan

Exhibition at manos!

Foto 2015-04-07 14 35 51

Manos in Stockholm started to sell our handprinted baby cloths many years ago. We love their mix of design and craft, actually they were our first reseller ever which makes them extra special. This spring we had the opportunity to hold an exhibition at manos and meet a lot of old and new friends.

Foto 2015-04-10 12 03 09

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00April 24th, 2015|ON WALL|Comments Off on Exhibition at manos!
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