Open studio


In addition to meeting you in person, one of the nice thing for us with #jollygoodlördag is to have a deadline to clean up the studio and re-arrange the wall : )


By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00April 24th, 2018|ON WALL|Comments Off on Open studio

Ride + Quote

As a little spinoff from the “Unique Fellow project” we have printed our favorite quote from Eddie Merckx in color on top of one half of the Ride XL print. We started with soft pink and then a grayish blue. We have decided to print them in very small editions (max 10 per color) as a way to keep them almost as unique as the Unique Fellows. And who knows maybe we mix and print some more colors further on. You can find these tow in the […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00February 1st, 2018|ON WALL|Comments Off on Ride + Quote

Jolly Good Lördag – May


Sunshine, books, vases, airplants, natural dyed textiles and a lot of prints! It was a very nice #jollygoodlördag and here are some pictures for you that live too far away to come by in person ; )




IMG_5454 2

We served the kids with a lots […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00May 12th, 2017|notes, ON WALL|Comments Off on Jolly Good Lördag – May

Jolly Good Lördag – Premier!

This spring we have decided to open up the studio some more, we call it Jolly Good Lördag.  For us it’s a chance to let our local friends and customers come and see some more of what we do and how screen printing works, buy something from us without shipping cost, or just drink coffee with us : )  Here is some pictures from the first #jollygoodlördag which had the theme “skate”.



By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00April 24th, 2017|notes, ON WALL|Comments Off on Jolly Good Lördag – Premier!

Early Bird – art and breakfast

Here in Skåne it´s a tradition since the sixties that artists open up their studios during Easter. It started at Österlen with ÖSKG and this year we joined the tradition and opened up our studio – at least two mornings. And we can tell you it was two wonderful mornings with a lots of nice visitors and a realy nice guest artist, LEJONLINN. Maybe we do it again next year!

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00April 25th, 2014|notes|Comments Off on Early Bird – art and breakfast


This year we participated in Mitt MÖLLAN JULMARKNAD in Malmö, Sweden, a fantastic Christmas fair with many pleasant meetings and exciting products. It was an honor to be a part of it! We also bought some of our Christmas gifts from fellow designers and got home 4 kg of locally produced honey.


By |2020-04-17T11:17:26+02:00December 20th, 2013|notes|Comments Off on Mitt MöLLAN JULMARKNAD #3
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