PAX is the Latin word for peace, something to aim for in many ways.
This screenprint is based on photos of the meditation place at Backåkra, in memory of Dag Hammarskjöld, a place we visit every summer.
In printing, ”utfall” or bleed is the extra space that will be trimmed off at the end of the printing process. Occasionally, these paper strips (the bleed) have also been experimented with. There have also been experiments with layer upon layer on test prints. In this exhibition the primarily focus is on the discarded pieces which get a new chance in the limelight.
Small founds from the ground. We have experimented with them for some time now, and here is a series of new screen prints were we have organized the parts into faces. We call them Portraits, available in the jollygoodshop
So happy to be a part of the nice group exhibition at Hässleholm Kulturhus the winter 2019.
The sea has always had a special place in our hearts.
This print is a kind of statement but it also open up to various reflections. Hopefully it will remind us about the environmental situation in our seas and open up for interesting conversations.
We use a lot of plastic in the world, it’s very useful, but unfortunately much of it ends up in the wrong place. On the other hand there is a lot of power in nature. For example the mussels help us to […]
“Bird” is a print based on a shadow figure on the wall. For us it’s a good reminder about that simple play can bring happiness. Actually the photo that we have processed and then used in the screen printing preparation, was taken a very long time ago. And now it have found the right form!
It is available in two sizes, the print is the same but there are more or less paper on the left and top. More info in […]
Some years ago we discovered a new store in Malmö. We are not that much into shopping but this place was something more than a place for shopping. Inspiring settings, good coffee, exciting products with high environmental awareness, a place of activity and a place for rest. It’ s called Ab SMÅLAND, we have been back there many times, and now our prints […]