Ten years ago, when we started screen printing together, Esa played around with roots. It became prints on some t-shirts with roots in different compositions. One of them was a play with the similarity between roots and hair, a calm man with a long beard of roots and eyes made of the letters a and p.
When we started to think of all the old prints we have left behind, we felt that we […]
Världsmästarcykeln in colour
When we had printed Världsmästarcykeln and Världsmästarcykeln XL we knew immediately that we wanted to continue to work with the bike theme. We started looking for other models and we have received several suggestions, but we still felt that we were not really finished with Världsmästarcykeln. For us it is somehow the bike. Then came the idea to start print it in color. And we thought, why not […]
Världsmästarcykeln (World Champion Bike)
For us a bicycle is the optimal way to get around in a city! You get to know the city in a whole new way, and the city becomes easier to grasp.
The print Världsmästarcykeln!
The idea with this poster is to give the impression of having a real bike on the wall, therefore we wanted to print as close to natural size as possible. Our solution was to split the […]
Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton? (Do you speak Esperanto?)
It’s really fascinating this ambitious idea to create a new language to foster harmony between people. Esperanto is, after 125 years, still spoken, but I guess English is hard to compete with (which we also use on this web site). If it wasn’t for M. A. Numminen we might not have thought about it that much. But a language he knows and even sings in must be worth a hand […]
jollygoodfellow SHOP – Yes, we’re open!
We would like to welcome you to our new web shop!There you will find some of our screen prints and urbnCal of course. We ship worldwide. Free delivery within Sweden.
If there is something you think is missing, we would like to hear from you and we’ll see if we can solve it. Have a look!
Sisaret poster
Sisaret is the Finnish word for sisters, you can read more about the print “Sisaret” and have a look at the tote bag – version here.
The poster is screen printed by hand on heavy off-white (Munken Pure 240g) uncoated swedish paper.
Size: 46×64 cm (18×25 inches) Stamped title and signed with pencil (which you can also see in the picture below).
ABÇ-plansch (poster)
For us it has been a lot of numbers in recent years, so now it’s time for some characters.
The inspiration for this print comes from our new hometown Malmö (in the southern part of Sweden). A city where about 50% of the population has other native languages than Swedish. The ABÇ-plansch, an extended abc-poster, is our way of celebrating the great variety of expressions and a chance for us to enjoy […]