
The sea has always had a special place in our hearts.

This print is a kind of statement but it also open up to various reflections. Hopefully it will remind us about the environmental situation in our seas and open up for interesting conversations.

We use a lot of plastic in the world, it’s very useful, but unfortunately much of it ends up in the wrong place. On the other hand there is a lot of power in nature. For example the mussels help us to […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:23+02:00October 2nd, 2019|ON WALL|Comments Off on Pearl

On the fly

During the Stockholm Design Week 2019 we had an exhibition with hand-dyed fabrics/sound absorbers and paper craft at manos, our absolute favorit store/workshop in Stockholm run by ceramic designer, Karin Eriksson.


We have long thought about textiles in interior design, they have a great ability to soften and to dampen sound. In our home we like to have […]

By |2024-03-11T17:54:14+02:00February 22nd, 2019|ON WALL|Comments Off on On the fly

Open studio


In addition to meeting you in person, one of the nice thing for us with #jollygoodlördag is to have a deadline to clean up the studio and re-arrange the wall : )


By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00April 24th, 2018|ON WALL|Comments Off on Open studio


Maybe this could be our new family tradition. For the second year, we spent a February week at Akvarellmuseet in Skärhamn. One of those places in the archipelago that is crowded in the summer and very peaceful in the winter. A lot of time for exploring nature and aquarelle, what a delight!

IMG_1496 IMG_1544 IMG_1583 […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00March 12th, 2018|inspiration|Comments Off on Akvarellmuseet


Finland and Sweden have much in common but there are also big differences. Especially when it comes to war and peace. Finland is a young nation and we feel that the fighting spirit is still present.  Another big difference is the SAUNA that is a part of the daily life in Finland but in Sweden it’s just something that is offered at the public swimming pool.

When we visit Finland it’s always summer, we are off grid more or less all the time and no one is in a hurry. So we can […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00December 6th, 2017|inspiration, ON WALL|Comments Off on Suomi!

Finland 100 years!



This is Sauna Vihta, our tribute to Finland who celebrate 100 years of independence.




For us Finland is sauna. Every summer when we are on our way to the cottage on the Finnish countryside we cross our fingers and hope that the sauna will be intact and ready for some fire. But it’s important […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00September 15th, 2017|ON WALL|Comments Off on Finland 100 years!
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