L.T. Fisk

Some years ago we had the pleasure to have L. T. Fisk here for a small kitchen concert. We remember that it was the first nice summer day that year and not that many in the audience inside, but a very nice memory for us who were there : )

Now we have printed some t-shirts for the great artist, based on drawings by another great artist Linnéa Carlsson.


By |2021-04-23T14:51:19+02:00April 23rd, 2021|process, WEAR|Comments Off on L.T. Fisk

Long Play

Long Play (or logg play) is based on a photo of a log, reminding of a classic LP record (Long Play). The growth rings have become tracks. We love the opportunity of listening to music digitally and get access to music that we did not know existed. But it’s still something special with the act of grabbing a sleeve, picking up the vinyl record and playing it. The limitations of the format is also nice in […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00December 7th, 2018|diverse|Comments Off on Long Play




We have thought about printing drums for a long time. In the beginning the idea was to make a print of a drum kit set up ready to play. And we were looking for a drummer with the right attitude and the perfect drums. But after a while we just took our own drums and started to try out. For us the best way was to put them in a pile and we were really exited!

After […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00April 27th, 2016|ON WALL, process|Comments Off on Batterie

Long Play

Which is your favorite record?
Here is a way to show the world which music inspires you.

The music gets new visual forms and become more and more  digital, but we like the tactile feeling of a gramophone record, to grab a cover and pull out a long play!


We see the print as a hybrid between two of our biggest sources of inspiration – music (LP) and nature (log). We call it simply Long Play.

Originally it was created […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00February 13th, 2011|CARRY|1 Comment
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