Arctic Paper was here

As we love paper and specially Munken, that we use for most of our screenprints, it’s a big honor for us that Arctic Paper wanted to interview us and feature us in their series Paper Passion.

Interview with Esa and Lisa Tanttu

Love, screen printing and a whole lot of bikes

The creative agency Jollygoodfellow is run by spouses Esa and Lisa Tanttu. Together, they create everything, from brainstorming and sketching, to actually pressing motives of screen prints in their own workshop. In just […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00March 24th, 2017|notes|Comments Off on Arctic Paper was here

Slightly Imperfect


Slightly-Imperfect- JGF - 102315_1(k)

The pile of irregular tote bags have grown big, so we were thinking of something to do with them. Maybe turn them into pillow cases? But then we thought of an old print idea that has been in the drawer (or sketch book) for many years.


We have collected small marks for “irregular quality” during the years. The first one’s were found on […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00October 23rd, 2015|CARRY, inspiration, process|Comments Off on Slightly Imperfect


A few weeks ago, while visiting Mossagårdsfestivalen, we bought a 100% hemp shirt which really felt nice, like linen. It’s going to be interesting to see how it ages.

Industrial Hemp or “hemp”, can provide many of the raw materials  we need as a society to function.  Hemp food, hemp oil, hemp plastics, hemp insulation, hemp concrete, hemp paper, and other hemp composites all available today!  And yes, the list goes on and on. […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:27+02:00June 27th, 2012|process, tips|Comments Off on Hemp

jollygoodfellow at Trosa Tryckeri


Yesterday we were at the Trosa Printing House, an environmentally certified printer close to Stockholm. We were there to see that everything went right when our baby, urbnCal 2012, came into the world. And it did, we are very delighted! Now we just wait for the ink to dry completely, the sheets to be trimmed and the holes to be punched. Then it’s time for release!

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00October 1st, 2011|process|1 Comment

Reuse and cultivate!


These suburban plants are growing in newspaper pots, and here is how you can make them using a paper roll and some old newspaper.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00April 10th, 2010|tips|Comments Off on Reuse and cultivate!

sjukt mode

Såg Korrespondenterna: Textilindustrins bakgård på svtplay i går, en problematik som har tagits upp flera gånger tidigare, men den här gången fick vi se personliga porträtt av textilarbetare och bomullsodlare. Det blir svårt att värja sig när man hör om t ex bonden Gormail.

I Punjab odlas mycket av den bomull som blir kläder i Sydasiens fabriker. Men bomullen är den gröda som kräver mest gödning och bekämpningsmedel av alla, och bonden Gormail Singh har nu drabbats av cancer, […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00March 15th, 2010|notes|Comments Off on sjukt mode

fruktlåda blev kottlåda

Fruktlådan hamnade i ateljén för nått halvår sen, mest för den festliga reliefen (kanske nya blocktrycksprojektet). Nu när kylan kommit kan man ju inte låta lilla gubben sitta på kalla kalla betonggolvet, då var det bra att ha en frigolitlåda minsann!

By |2010-02-17T22:14:03+02:00December 16th, 2009|process|Comments Off on fruktlåda blev kottlåda
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