What we in sweden call a sunshine story (solskenshistoria)

A few years a go we bought some purple poppy seeds to spice up our cooking. After a while we found out that some bugs also seemed to like them so we thought “let’s give the poppy seeds to the birds”. It was in the middle of the winter and they could need some energy. We threw them in a flower box, but the birds weren’t interested at all. We forgot about the poppy seeds, but in the spring time they all of a […]

By |2010-08-18T22:59:41+02:00August 18th, 2010|tips|Comments Off on What we in sweden call a sunshine story (solskenshistoria)

jollygoodfellow at Pajula


After two days in Helsinki we spent the rest of the week in a cottage without electricity and running water. We really enjoyed the contrast!

Right now we are very much into annual rings and to our delight the neighbors had cut down some forest, so we spent some time taking pictures and fighting the mosquitoes.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00June 27th, 2010|inspiration|1 Comment



Now is the best time for picking stinging nettles! (at least in sweden).

Stinging Nettle has a flavour similar to spinach when cooked and is rich in vitamins A, C, D, iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium.

We were out picking some this week and made a fantastic soup in the evening.
Just remember to have a pair of gloves with you when you are picking.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00May 16th, 2010|tips|Comments Off on Nettles!

ny mobil


Den här fina grafiska mobilen är inköpt på Östanbäcks kloster utanför Sala. Vi söker oss gärna till kloster när vi är ute på resa. Där finns ett lugn som gärna smittar av sig. Det är också inspirerande med den självvalda enkelheten. Andra favoritkloster är minimalistiska Mariavall vid Brösarp och Heliga Hjärtats Kloster vid Omberg.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:32+02:00August 31st, 2008|inspiration|Comments Off on ny mobil
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