
Finland and Sweden have much in common but there are also big differences. Especially when it comes to war and peace. Finland is a young nation and we feel that the fighting spirit is still present.  Another big difference is the SAUNA that is a part of the daily life in Finland but in Sweden it’s just something that is offered at the public swimming pool.

When we visit Finland it’s always summer, we are off grid more or less all the time and no one is in a hurry. So we can […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00December 6th, 2017|inspiration, ON WALL|Comments Off on Suomi!

Pear Vanilla Strawberry


Perhaps this is a sketch of the perfect summer t-shirt. We are thinking of making the screen actual size, straight on, would fit fine on t-shirts for both adults and kids.

By the way, we just heard that you now have ice cream with bacon flavour over there (=USA) but jollygoodfellow is a bit old-school and likes the classic pear-vanilla-strawberry.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00April 7th, 2011|process|1 Comment

Brun period


Här är ett tryck som hängt med länge, en faster var igång med linoleumtryck på 70-talet. Tröjorna måste ha varit av ypperlig kvalite eftersom både mors, fars och storasysters(på bilden) tröja finns kvar än. Kanske har de varit med i bakgrunden när vi börja göra samma tryck för både stora och små… tekniskt har de nog också varit med i bakhuvet när vi exprimenterat med andra typer av […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:31+02:00April 3rd, 2009|inspiration|Comments Off on Brun period
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