Urban Cube Calendar

The idea came up for the first time when we biked around looking for numbers for urbnCal 2012 in Helsinki, where many of the street numbers were placed on light cubes. One of the ideas with our wall calendar urbnCal was to make something physical in a digital world. In this calendar we are taking it one step further, the cubes are meant to be handled daily and turned to the current date. Another important […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00August 10th, 2014|CALENDAR|Comments Off on Urban Cube Calendar

One month left…

Today it’s the first of December and the new year begins in a month. So it’s really time to say more about urbnCal 2012! We started with Stockholm 2010, then Copenhagen, and 2012 it is Helsinki!


How long does it take to make the calendar?
The first part is ”collecting” all the numbers. We spend about a week biking around the city, one area at the time, […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00December 1st, 2011|CALENDAR, ON WALL|Comments Off on One month left…

Helsinki photo shoot


On our first trip to shoot urbnCal 2012 Helsinki we immediately got a feeling for Kallio, a part of Helsinki we were not so familiar with. We can’t help but love signs like this one. If you look close you will see the whole Tanttu family in this picture.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00May 13th, 2011|process|Comments Off on Helsinki photo shoot
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