Jackson Pollock Jr

Jackson Pollock Jr – a white t-shirt that can stand as much spill as you like.

Ten years ago, when we had our first kid, we started to think about a ”spill-friendly” t-shirt. We tried different patterns to camouflage the spill. But now we finally have the concept! What before was a problem is now a piece of art in the spirit of Jackson Pollock.

We print by hand with water-based colour in our garage printshop using […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00May 19th, 2017|WEAR|Comments Off on Jackson Pollock Jr

Fair Fashion?

Utställningen Fair Fashion? på nordiska museet verkar spännande, har själva inte kommit dit ännu men ska försöka till helgen (4-5/4) när det smäller lite extra. Ur programmet:

modevisningar med Johanna Hofring och Righteous Fashionmfl., filmvisningar med anknytning till temat medvetenhet och samtal/föredrag med Mathilda Tham, Beckmans och Johanna Hofring, Ekovaruhuset. Dessutom kan unga designintresserade anmäla sig till en workshop som sker i samarbete […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:31+02:00March 31st, 2009|tips|Comments Off on Fair Fashion?
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