Jackson Pollock Jr

Jackson Pollock Jr – a white t-shirt that can stand as much spill as you like.

Ten years ago, when we had our first kid, we started to think about a ”spill-friendly” t-shirt. We tried different patterns to camouflage the spill. But now we finally have the concept! What before was a problem is now a piece of art in the spirit of Jackson Pollock.

We print by hand with water-based colour in our garage printshop using […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00May 19th, 2017|WEAR|Comments Off on Jackson Pollock Jr

Jolly Good Lördag – May


Sunshine, books, vases, airplants, natural dyed textiles and a lot of prints! It was a very nice #jollygoodlördag and here are some pictures for you that live too far away to come by in person ; )




IMG_5454 2

We served the kids with a lots […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00May 12th, 2017|notes, ON WALL|Comments Off on Jolly Good Lördag – May

Slightly Imperfect


Slightly-Imperfect- JGF - 102315_1(k)

The pile of irregular tote bags have grown big, so we were thinking of something to do with them. Maybe turn them into pillow cases? But then we thought of an old print idea that has been in the drawer (or sketch book) for many years.


We have collected small marks for “irregular quality” during the years. The first one’s were found on […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00October 23rd, 2015|CARRY, inspiration, process|Comments Off on Slightly Imperfect

Jollygoodfellow + CLOSE by DENIM

When we started up the jollygoodfellow printshop many years ago the focus was on t-shirts. But now most of the prints are on paper (posters). Some times we miss it, but we realize that we haven’t time to do it right now.

When Petra Backlund from Close by Denim asked us if we wanted to collaborate it felt so right, especially since we share the same values (environmental friendly production and products, local production as far at it’s possible, products […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00June 3rd, 2015|WEAR|Comments Off on Jollygoodfellow + CLOSE by DENIM

bag tags

bagtagTygkassarna vi trycker på nu kommer från Ecolotion, ett företag som också satsar mycket på hampa i Europa vilket känns roligt. Tagsen som sitter på när kassarna kommer konkurrerar lite väl mycket med våra tryck så de brukar åka av och har blivit liggande i en hög (man kan ju inte slänga). Provade att göra julgranspynt av dem men det blev ingen succé. Nu […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00February 18th, 2010|notes|Comments Off on bag tags
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