hand printed on friendly textile by jollygoodfellow

L.T. Fisk

Some years ago we had the pleasure to have L. T. Fisk here for a small kitchen concert. We remember that it was the first nice summer day that year and not that many in the audience inside, but a very nice memory for us who were there : )

Now we have printed some t-shirts for the great artist, based on drawings by another great artist Linnéa Carlsson.


By |2021-04-23T14:51:19+02:00April 23rd, 2021|process, WEAR|Comments Off on L.T. Fisk

Jackson Pollock Jr

Jackson Pollock Jr – a white t-shirt that can stand as much spill as you like.

Ten years ago, when we had our first kid, we started to think about a ”spill-friendly” t-shirt. We tried different patterns to camouflage the spill. But now we finally have the concept! What before was a problem is now a piece of art in the spirit of Jackson Pollock.

We print by hand with water-based colour in our garage printshop using […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:24+02:00May 19th, 2017|WEAR|Comments Off on Jackson Pollock Jr

Jollygoodfellow + CLOSE by DENIM

When we started up the jollygoodfellow printshop many years ago the focus was on t-shirts. But now most of the prints are on paper (posters). Some times we miss it, but we realize that we haven’t time to do it right now.

When Petra Backlund from Close by Denim asked us if we wanted to collaborate it felt so right, especially since we share the same values (environmental friendly production and products, local production as far at it’s possible, products […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:25+02:00June 3rd, 2015|WEAR|Comments Off on Jollygoodfellow + CLOSE by DENIM

Monarchy in the USA

When Etsy was celebrating “Euro week” we thought it was time these t-shirts (printed just for fun some years ago) were made available. It’s more a play with words than a political statement (even though it was made when Bush was president). You might recognize the source of inspiration. We like the D.I.Y. attitude in punk. This creative explosion is celebrated during the weekend in Stockholm. In June there is another (royal) […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00April 2nd, 2010|WEAR|Comments Off on Monarchy in the USA

juicy, Jussi!

citrusTrycket Kotten2 har  äntligen fått ett lite värdigare namn: Jussi! Vi får väl se om Jussi erövrar världen, det är nu i alla fall tekniskt möjligt via supermarket

Our print Kotten2 has finally received a bit more dignified name: Jussi!
and now you can find it at supermarket on T-shirts and tote bags.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:29+02:00February 8th, 2010|WEAR|Comments Off on juicy, Jussi!
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