things we find interesting

40 pizzor mot hunger

Lördag 3 april
Kl 13–18
Borggatan 14

På påskafton 3/4 öppnar carport pizzerian här på Borggatan 14 upp i lite större skala för första gången. Vi kommer baka 40 pizzor mellan kl 13 och 18. Kommer finnas luft mellan de olika sittplatserna här. Men med tanke på rådande pandemi och ugnens storlek vill vi att du förbokar så det inte ska bli för trångt här.  Vi har inga pizzakartonger men kan säkert vika ihop nåt hjälpligt om du vill […]

By |2021-04-02T18:53:42+02:00March 26th, 2021|tips|Comments Off on 40 pizzor mot hunger

Jollygoodfellow at Ab Småland



Some years ago we discovered a new store in Malmö. We are not that much into shopping but this place was something more than a place for shopping. Inspiring settings, good coffee, exciting products with high environmental awareness, a place of activity and a place for rest. It’ s called Ab SMÅLAND, we have been back there many times, and now our prints […]

By |2024-03-11T17:56:59+02:00December 12th, 2018|notes, tips|Comments Off on Jollygoodfellow at Ab Småland


A few weeks ago, while visiting Mossagårdsfestivalen, we bought a 100% hemp shirt which really felt nice, like linen. It’s going to be interesting to see how it ages.

Industrial Hemp or “hemp”, can provide many of the raw materials  we need as a society to function.  Hemp food, hemp oil, hemp plastics, hemp insulation, hemp concrete, hemp paper, and other hemp composites all available today!  And yes, the list goes on and on. […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:27+02:00June 27th, 2012|process, tips|Comments Off on Hemp

manos in town!


Manos has left the green house at Överjärva Gård and moved to Renstiernas gata 22, Södermalm, Stockholm.  The first time we passed by our “jussi” was in the window! Today we delivered lots of newly printed “jussis”:  bodys, t-shirts and tote bags.
Karin, who runs Manos, sells her own nice ceramics (which you also see in the picture above) among hand picked items from […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00November 5th, 2010|notes, tips|Comments Off on manos in town!

What we in sweden call a sunshine story (solskenshistoria)

A few years a go we bought some purple poppy seeds to spice up our cooking. After a while we found out that some bugs also seemed to like them so we thought “let’s give the poppy seeds to the birds”. It was in the middle of the winter and they could need some energy. We threw them in a flower box, but the birds weren’t interested at all. We forgot about the poppy seeds, but in the spring time they all of a […]

By |2010-08-18T22:59:41+02:00August 18th, 2010|tips|Comments Off on What we in sweden call a sunshine story (solskenshistoria)
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