work in progress

From stack to rack

This week we have planned and built a rack to dry our prints, mostly with things found in our basement. Afterwards we were eager to try it  and printed the first part of the bicycle poster. Usually its hard to find room for a  bunch of 70×100 cm sheets, but this worked really good!

We also found out that the roof was leaking just over the rack filled with new prints , but that’s another story.

Now there is hanging a bucket were the drops are […]

By |2013-11-03T23:05:43+02:00November 3rd, 2013|process|Comments Off on From stack to rack

the basement work space (3)

Light in the dark room

We bought an old solarium at one of the summer flea markets, and now it works as an exposure lamp in the process of preparing the silkscreen frames. We have used it to expose our new prints Tidsoptimisten and urban No. 1-9 CPH and we are very pleased with the result! Now that we have all the parts of the silkscreen […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:26+02:00February 19th, 2013|process|Comments Off on the basement work space (3)

the basement work space (2)

Water in the basement!

When the winter arrived it wasn’t possible to take water from the hose outside any longer. For a while we ran with the silksscreen frames full of paint two floors up to wash them in the shower cabin. As an early christmas present Esa’s brother helped us to find the right pipes and tubes and then put them together. Now we are very glad that we finally have running water in the […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:26+02:00February 13th, 2013|process|Comments Off on the basement work space (2)


A few weeks ago, while visiting Mossagårdsfestivalen, we bought a 100% hemp shirt which really felt nice, like linen. It’s going to be interesting to see how it ages.

Industrial Hemp or “hemp”, can provide many of the raw materials  we need as a society to function.  Hemp food, hemp oil, hemp plastics, hemp insulation, hemp concrete, hemp paper, and other hemp composites all available today!  And yes, the list goes on and on. […]

By |2020-04-17T11:17:27+02:00June 27th, 2012|process, tips|Comments Off on Hemp

jollygoodfellow at Trosa Tryckeri


Yesterday we were at the Trosa Printing House, an environmentally certified printer close to Stockholm. We were there to see that everything went right when our baby, urbnCal 2012, came into the world. And it did, we are very delighted! Now we just wait for the ink to dry completely, the sheets to be trimmed and the holes to be punched. Then it’s time for release!

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00October 1st, 2011|process|1 Comment
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